Wednesday, 13 August 2014


I was in Berlin last week so will share some stuff about that soon. At the moment I am apartment sitting in Paris and getting some other writing stuff done. Lots of stuff to shove on here but in the meantime here's a list of stuff that made me happy this week (I hope it makes you happy too)....

NEW DEPTFORD GOTH (new album out November)

(Also check out the Jim-E Stack remix of Union)

Films that open with tracking shots from cars and 80's soundtracks aka Polanski's Frantic and Lynche's Lost Highway. The Morricone and Bowie soundtracks help.

Nike's Air Trainer 1 Mid

and sad...

Brand's eulogy for Robin William's is the best I've read: 'Robin Williams’ divine madness will no longer disrupt the sadness of the world'